László Váradi met the renewed Praesidium of the Laotian-Hungarian Friendship Society (LHFS) in Laos on February 23

László Váradi met the renewed Praesidium of the Laotian-Hungarian Friendship Society (LHFS) in Laos on February 23

Proposed by the President of LHFS, the cooperation agreement between the two friendship societies was supplemented. This was necessary to enable LHFS to receive ad hoc financial support. The signing took place in the meeting room of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), Department of Livestock and Fisheries (DLF). MAF DLF provides the administrative conditions for LHFS’ operation as well as the venue for its meetings. As shown by the photo below, the 6-member Praesidium of LHFS also participated in the signing of the supplement to the agreement.

Left to right in the photo: Dr. Somphanh Chanpengxay, Head of Department, MAF DLF; Sangvone Phanhavilay, Head of Department, Ministry of Finance; Dr. László Váradi, Co-president of HLFS; Dr. Parisak Pravongviengkham, MAF Deputy Minister, President of LHFS; Simone Lamaningao, Secretary of LHFS; Khamphoune Temerath, CEO of the Public Transportation Company of Vientiane, Capital City; Phoukhong Chanthachack, Director-General of Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public (BCEL)

After the signing, Dr. Parisak, President of LHFS briefed the Praesidium on the visit of the LHFS delegation to Hungary, the signed agreement and the action plan. He presented the plans for cooperation between the friendship societies, the opportunities as well as the challenges. He underlined the organisation of membership as a priority task. On behalf of HLFS, Dr. László Váradi congratulated the new Praesidium and expressed his pleasure over the fact that the renewal of LHFS would contribute to the strengthening of cooperation. He reaffirmed that HLFS was ready to implement the cooperation agreement and the programs in the 2017 Action Plan. He informed the LHFS Praesidium that he received the DVD containing the Laotian movie to be shown to HLFS members as well as the right of presentation from the movie’s director, Keola Anysay.